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Messages - fishahaulic

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Summer open 2
« on: July 15, 2019, 08:17:06 am »
I'm in.

General Discussion / Re: Summer open july 13
« on: July 07, 2019, 07:32:59 pm »
I guess I'll donate as well.

General Discussion / Re: Jordan open
« on: April 03, 2019, 01:17:06 pm »
I would but the boat is in the shop right now and not sure when I'll be getting it back.  There's also a Cashion Rod tournament going out of Farington that day.

General Discussion / Annual Military Bass Tournament
« on: January 28, 2019, 01:30:20 pm »
Registration is open for anyone interested.  Its at Eufaula Al, again and for those who have never fished Efuaula, consider Shearon Harris without the slot. 

General Discussion / Re: todays tourney
« on: September 25, 2017, 08:59:29 am »
It'll get better next year after the water comes back up.  All the areas that'll be out of the water during the Holleman Ramp repairs will be will be growing grass, so it will be better by spring.  It won't be the same for a few more years until the hydrilla comes back.  This is posted over on the Bass Boat Central site.

Questions / Re: Boat Cover Recommendations
« on: March 27, 2017, 08:30:17 am »
Milt, it really depends on how much you want to spend.  If you're looking for a cover to last 3 -5 years, then you can look at but they are not cheap by any means.  I usually go to Ebay for covers myself.  I bought my last one from the seller add-on-planet and paid $130 and it's been on the boat now for 2 years and looks as good as the day it came out of the box.  I know that without a permanent shelter for a boat to set under and using a boat cover only, it's something that is going to have to be changed often.  And by often, I'm meaning every 2 - 4 years, no matter how much you pay or how good they claim they cover is.  Any cover that sits out in the sun and rain day in and day out, is not going to last, so why spend $500 on one.  So my suggestion is Ebay for the better deal.

General Discussion / Re: Air Force Assistance Fund Tournament
« on: March 15, 2017, 08:00:07 am »
Well damn, if it's the 14th then it looks like I'll miss another one.  My oldest daughter is getting married on the 15th so I have other obligations on the 14th.

General Discussion / Air Force Assistance Fund Tournament
« on: March 13, 2017, 10:54:46 am »

When is this years AFAF tournament scheduled for?  I haven't seen anything come out, but remember Tommy talking about it Saturday.  Haven't been able to make it in the past, but want to try to get out there this year.

General Discussion / Re: Preseason Tournament Saturday March 11th
« on: March 09, 2017, 07:50:01 pm »
They'll be launching from the same one we use so it'll be crowed.

General Discussion / Preseason Tournament Saturday March 11th
« on: March 08, 2017, 09:55:52 am »
The Carolina Angler Team Trail is having a tournament on Harris on the 11th also, and they usually have 50+ boats for their tournaments, so expect a crowd at the ramp.

General Discussion / Re: March Meeting Club House
« on: January 11, 2017, 12:38:20 pm »
It's a little ways down Centennial Pkwy on the right.  It's the only building that doesn't look like a house.

General Discussion / Re: Prospective member
« on: August 25, 2016, 07:28:12 am »
I fished the Military Bass Tournament on Clarks Hill in 2011, and you ain't lying about it being a big lake and hard to figure out, but once you find them hold on tight.  Those spotted bass may not be as big as some of the largemouth on Harris, but fun as hell to catch, especially like you said on a top water bait like a Zara Spook.  If anyone else here ever gets the chance to fish it, make sure you go in the spring, and upgrade your hooks before going, and carry extra hooks and split ring pliers, because it doesn't matter what kind of hooks you have on, if you can find those spots schooling and you start catching, those hooks will need to be changed by the end of the day.

General Discussion / Re: Ardent Reels
« on: August 08, 2016, 07:42:30 am »
Bass pro qualifier reel, $100 bucks, or any lews reel, $200 bucks for a reel is really pricey

In my opinion, James is right here.  The I've owned several of the Ardent reels.  The first one I won in a raffle during about 10 years ago it was the Ardent XS 1000 (not made any more) and at the time cost about $350 and was one of the best reels I'd ever used in my life.  Usually, I clean my own reels, but when I attempted to take the XS apart to clean, one look inside, I put the side plate back on and started doing research on reel cleaners.  What I found is that to get an Ardent reel cleaned it has to be sent to an Ardent authorized reel cleaner only.  Everyone out there that advertises as reel cleaners will not clean Ardent reels.  The other thing I found out is that Ardent no longer has any authorized reel cleaners.  They stopped sending any parts to all their previously authorized cleaners.  Now, everyone of them out there, will bend over backwards to help you out with what ever parts they do have laying around, and still clean your reels at about $30 a reel.  I picked up a couple a few years ago based on the other one I had, and after using them for about 2 months, I traded them for BPS Pro Qualifiers.  The Ardent Reel company sold a few years back and, again in my opinion, since they sold, the newer reels don't compare to the older ones. For the price you can't beat the Pro Qualifiers.

General Discussion / Prayer Request
« on: June 06, 2016, 01:49:28 pm »
As many of you know I was suppose to be getting a new boat later this year.  This past Friday at 5am the owner of that boat Danny Christ, a SMSgt in the AF was driving on I25 in Albuquerque NM, with his mother in the back seat, and his oldest daughter in the front seat, headed to the lake to take his family fishing.  He was hit head on by a 21 year old female high on drugs.  Police say both drivers were doing the speed limit 70mph at impact.  Unfortunately Danny's mother didn't survive the accident.  Danny's oldest daughter, luckily only had cuts, bruises and a broken wrist. Danny, is currently in ICU with a broken back, and both ankles broken.  They've done surgery to repair his ankles and  it's believed he does have complete feeling in his feet, so the belief is that he will be able to eventually walk again.  His wife wanted him to have a day on the lake with his family and stayed home with their youngest daughter (2years old) that day.  His truck was obviously totaled, and the boat wound up in the bed of the truck.  I don't know how religious most of you are but if you are, please keep Danny and his family in your prayers.

Classifieds / Re: SALE: All the stuff off my boat
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:38:43 pm »
I'll pick it up this weekend at the tournament.  Thanks

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