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Messages - TangoVictor

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
General Discussion / Covid19 directive from NCWRC
« on: March 20, 2020, 10:07:14 pm »
Got an email today from NCWRC,  here are the guidelines for tournaments, failure to enforce these steps will result in revoking of all permits

General Discussion / Bass and saltwater show
« on: December 27, 2019, 07:47:09 pm »
Showtime is upon us once again and usually a group of get together and hit the Raleigh show. This year it is Jan 10-12 at the NC State Fairgrounds
1025 Blue Ridge Rd
Raleigh, NC 27607

This years big name seminars are Ott Defoe and David Fritts.
If interested in meeting up and checking it out We usually try to go on Friday because it's way less busy , tickets are @ 8 to ten bucks and are good for all three days

General Discussion / Re: New years open
« on: December 27, 2019, 08:51:16 am »
No, it's not happening , I posted this a month ago and got zero interest until now

General Discussion / Re: candidate
« on: December 14, 2019, 09:08:59 pm »
Good to hear Justin, There are a few of us crazy enough to head out during the winter so we will keep an eye out for ya

General Discussion / New years open
« on: November 24, 2019, 12:37:57 pm »
Who all is down for an open on new years day ???
Looking at kicking off 2020 at harris like we have before

General Discussion / Open tourney
« on: November 04, 2019, 07:15:09 pm »
Here we go gents, open this Saturday Nov 9  at Harris , Crosspoint ramp from 630-230.
25 bucks per boat fish alone or with a partner.
20 goes to winners and 5 is for big fish pot
Winner take all
5 fish limit 3 fish must be 14" or greater the other two must be 12" or greater, Dont forget the slot limit
Fishing is pretty good lately so take advantage of the fall bite !

General Discussion / Re: summer open 3 - Jordan
« on: August 03, 2019, 06:23:15 pm »
BTW We have the new scale !!!! but we will need a case for it so it does not get messed up

General Discussion / summer open 3 - Jordan
« on: August 03, 2019, 06:22:16 pm »
Looking at doing an open at Jordan Saturday August 10th out of Poes ridge ramp , 6am till 11 am
entry will be 50 per boat with 10 of that going to big fish and the club keeping 10 per entry the remaining 30 will be paid out to winners
5 fish limit with three fish greater then 14" as per state law - other two fish must be greater then 12"
Fish alone or with one partner
Dead fish will not count for big fish pot and cannot be culled out. A 1/4 lb penalty will be issued per dead fish at weigh in
All boats must be within the No wake Zone before 11am , a 1 lb per minute late penalty will be enforced
Short or illegal fish will be rejected at weigh in and a 1 lb penalty will be issued per fish

We will pay out 1st place only up to 5 boats - boats 6-10 will pay 1st and 2nd - boats 11 and higher will pay 1st 2nd and 3rd

I will begin crossposting this open Monday so please confirm here if you will be going so clubmembers have first priority

General Discussion / Re: Summer open 2
« on: July 14, 2019, 03:16:27 pm »
Payout boats 1-5 entered 100% to winner
Boats 6-10    70 - 30 split between 1st and second
boats 11 - 15   60/25/15  split for 1st 2nd 3rd

General Discussion / Summer open 2
« on: July 14, 2019, 03:13:12 pm »
We are hosting an open July 20th at Falls lake, Upper Barton ramp , 6 am - 11 am
Five fish limit 12 inch minimum with three fish must be over 14 inches in accordance with state laws,
Fish alone or with a partner cost is 25 per boat with additional 5 dollar big fish pot
The club will keep 5 from every entry to fund our new scale.
We will pay one place per 5 boats entered capped at 15 boats due to permit
Dead fish cannot be culled
Dead fish penalty of .25 lb and dead fish cannot be weighed for big fish pot
Short or illegal fish will be rejected at weigh in and a 1 lb penalty will be issued per illegal fish
All boats must be within the no wake zone at 11am a  1 lb per minute late penalty will be enforced
Please confirm here first so I can get boat numbers issued
I will be crossposting this open beginning tomorrow to give club members first chance

General Discussion / Re: Summer open july 13
« on: July 08, 2019, 05:48:03 pm »
Yes we can pay at the ramp. Ive got everyone marked down in the order they sign up as well

General Discussion / Summer open july 13
« on: July 07, 2019, 06:49:01 pm »
We are hosting an open July 13th at Shearon Harris crosspoint ramp, 6 am - 11 am
Five fish limit 12 inch minimum with three fish must be over 14 inches in accordance with state laws,
Fish alone or with a partner cost is 25 per boat with optional 5 dollar big fish pot
The club will keep 5 from every entry to fund our new scale.
We will pay one place per 5 boats entered capped at 15 boats due to permit
Dead fish cannot be culled
Dead fish penalty of .25 lb and dead fish cannot be weighed for big fish pot
Short or illegal fish will be rejected at weigh in and a 1 lb penalty will be issued per illegal fish
All boats must be within the no wake zone at 11am, a 1lb per minute late penalty will be enforced
Please confirm here first so I can get boat numbers issued , I will begin crossposting the open beggining tomorrow evening

Questions / Re: accepting new members?
« on: June 28, 2019, 10:52:37 am »
Our season is almost over for the year, we only have 4 tournaments left . We are always accepting new members though , I will look for your application and email you back

General Discussion / Re: off limits areas
« on: May 05, 2019, 12:44:14 pm »
and 1 more

General Discussion / off limits areas
« on: May 05, 2019, 12:43:16 pm »
did some overhead shots of all Off Limits areas, this will hopefully avoid any more confusion

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